Sara Anderson
Niall Gaffney
Tony Krueger
Ray Lucas
Karla Peterson
Fred Romelfanger
Frank Tanner
This week’s discussion focused on the Observed Aperture representation within the VTT. At a high level, the following problems were discussed:
Initially, the VTT will only be able to map WFPC2 apertures from Starview. The team believed that this would cover most of the use cases for the interface. Additionally, WFPC2 may provide an easier implementation than the other instruments.
A new aperture will be added to the apertures.dat file that indicates an “Observed” WFPC2 aperture. This will enable the VTT to isolate an Observed (in this case a Starview) aperture from the other apertures. The new aperture will also contain the hard-coded offset mappings required to map from an archive WFPC2 aperture to a VTT WFPC2 aperture.
A way to “hide” the new aperture must be investigated as well. The new aperture may not be added to the VTT by a user.
The basic functionality will have the VTT capable of:
Frank is still looking into the InstallAnywhere issues with delivery (see previous week’s minutes for additional information).
1) Niall & Sara will determine the offsets for the new Aperture.
2) Niall will create the new SV Aperture for the apertures.dat file.
3) Fred will determine how to create a “hidden” aperture.
4) Fred will determine how to make an aperture “read-only” so a user cannot move it around in the VTT.
5) Fred will determine a scheme for clicking on an RA/DEC and feeding those coordinates to Starview.
6) 1 & 2 may be repeated for the other instruments (TBD)