APT Phase 2 Random GUI Regression Test






This document is the regression test for Phase 2 of APT.  It is assumed that the machine on which APT is tested meets the hardware requirements necessary for running APT.  These requirements may be found at http://apt.stsci.edu.  Listed under the “Install APT” heading are requirements for specific platforms.  It is also assumed that the tester has a connection to the Internet and all STScI servers and databases are functioning properly.



Although Java is platform independent, this test will be run on Windows, Linux, Sun, and Mac OS to ensure no platform dependent problems exist.  It is also suggested that this test be run on both machines that have had previous versions of APT installed and machines that have never had APT installed.



In order to give this test a certain randomness, testers will vary the manner in which they use the GUI to enter the four test proposals.  The tester will select one of four proposals (large GO, small GO, GO with FGS exposures, and Calibration).  When prompted, the tester will select one of four options.  The tester will record the selected option in the column on the right to ensure all cases are tested.  (Note: on the online version, random choices have automatically been generated.)


Test Proposals may be found at the following address:








Patrick McCauley, Karla Peterson, Patricia Royle


Last modified: November 15, 2003 (12:39 PM)







APT Phase 2 Random GUI Regression Test:



Certain steps require the use of a Phase 1 proposal that was created using an old version of APT.  Since most people do not keep old versions of APT, it is acceptable (and recommended) create a Phase 1 proposal using the current operational version of APT (e.g. at the time of this test plan, the current operational version is 12.3.1).  There are phase 1 proposals available online that may be used for this regression test  They can be found at the address above.


If you choose to create your own Phase 1 proposal instead of using the ones found online, make sure to enter the following information into the Phase 1 proposal: Title, Abstract, PI/CoI Names, and at least one target (name, RA, Dec, and V-mag).  Save this proposal with the current operational release, and use this as the Phase 1 proposal when prompted



GO        GO(2)     GO(3)  CAL

Indicate on which platform the test is being conducted.


A.    Windows

B.    Linux

C.    Solaris

D.    Mac OS




Use one of the following methods of data entry:


A.    Form Editor and Navigation Buttons

B.    Form Editor and mini spreadsheet

C.    Form Editor and Hierarchal Editor

D.    Spreadsheet only




Create a Phase 2 Proposal using one of the following options.  Before you have finished entering data, open the diagnostics GUI and ensure the unresolved diagnostics are displayed. (Note: Calibration proposals will always be created from scratch).


A.    Create a phase 2 proposal from scratch.

B.    Use an existing Phase 1 proposal.

C.    Use an existing Phase 1 proposal.

D.    Use an existing Phase 1 proposal.




Use context sensitive help in the Form Editor.



Exercise the Duplicate/Delete options on a CoI, a target,  and an observation by choosing one method from below.

A.    Duplicate an observation, target, and CoI with menu option.

B.    Duplicate an observation, target, and CoI with hotkey. 

C.    Delete an observation, target, and CoI with the menu option.

D.    Delete an observation, target, and CoI with the hotkey.



Test focus issues by doing one of the following:


A.    Enter data in a text box, and press tab.

B.    Enter data in a text box, and press return.

C.    Enter data in a text box, and click somewhere on the page.

D.    Enter data in a text box, and click somewhere off the page.


Ensure the data is committed by leaving the page and returning to the page.




Run the Orbit Planner on all visits.  Do one of the following:


A.    Fill an orbit if it has unused time.

B.    Fill an orbit if it has unused time.

C.    Move an exposure to a different orbit and rerun the Orbit Planner (drag and drop using the Hierarchal Editor).

D.    Renumber the orbits.




Run the Visit Planner for:


A.    One visit

B.    Multiple contiguous visits (Shift + select)

C.    Multiple noncontiguous visits (Ctrl + select)

D.    All Visits (select the Visits folder)




Print the results from the Visit Planner.  Display the roll ranges report and plot the data.  Modify a visit, then Update Display.



Select an exposure and run the VTT.  Ensure the exposure is correct and appears where expected.  Do one of the following:


A.    Move the target in the VTT.  Ensure the coordinates of the target changed under the Targets folder in APT.

B.    Rotate the target in the VTT.  Ensure the orientation angle changed in APT.

C.    Create a Pos Targ in the VTT.  Ensure the Pos Targ values are entered under the Exposure’s Special Requirements.

D.    Overlay a guidestar catalog in the VTT.




View the Memory Monitor and run the Garbage Collector.



Use the Proposal Preview Tool.  Show in HTML view and Text View to ensure something is displayed.  Print both versions and save them for comparison between different platforms and versions of APT.



Use the Export menu option


A.    Export PDF to proposal directory.

B.    Export RPS2 .prop file to proposal directory.

C.    Export Target list.

D.    Export Target list template.




Toggle one of the following preferences:


A.    Reload Proposal At Startup

B.    Create a New Folder Per Proposal

C.    Enable the Undo Stack

D.    Enable Context Sensitive Help



Save the proposal using one of the following options:


A.    Use the hotkey.

B.    Use the “Save” menu option.

C.    Use the “Save as” menu option.

D.    Use the “Save All” menu option.




Close APT using one of the following options:


A.    Use the hotkey.

B.    Use the “Quit” menu option.

C.    Use the “Quit” menu option.

D.    Click the close button on the window dressing.




Start APT and load the saved proposal by doing one of the following (Note: If you selected the option earlier to reload the proposal at startup, skip this part):


A.    Use the hotkey.

B.    Use the “Open” menu option.

C.    Use the “Open” menu option.

D.    Use the “Open Recent” menu option.




Submit the proposal.  Make sure you select Test Mode from the “Current Tool” menu!!!  Do one of the following:


A.    Enter submission comments.

B.    Submit a proposal more than once.

C.    Submit a proposal with errors/warnings.

D.    Submit a proposal with errors/warnings.




Exercise the cut, copy, and paste commands by selecting one of the following options.


A.    Using the hotkeys and menu items, cut, copy, and paste text in the form editor.

B.    Using the hotkeys and menu items, cut, copy, and paste text in the spreadsheet editor.

C.    Using the hotkeys, cut, copy, and paste text in the popup windows, e.g. Coordinates.  (Note: This is for the spreadsheet editor only)

D.    Using the hotkeys and menu items, cut, copy, and paste an item from the Hierarchal Editor.




Close APT.  A message box will appear prompting you to save the modified proposal.  Choose an option listed below:


A.    Yes – save as an existing file

B.    No

C.    Cancel

D.    Close button on the window dressing