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We list below some high level requirements for the system.
These requirements are merely intended to provide a
guide to the major issues. They are not intended to
be specified here at a level that they could be implemented
by a developer.
- 1.
- Architecture
- (a)
- The system will have several operating modes including
Phase 1 GO, Phase 1 Archival, and Phase 2.
- (b)
- The architecture will allow standalone tools to
be plug-ins. Tools will
to be developed in parallel with the general infrastructure
that ties the tools together.
- (c)
- The architecture should support making the system
as sharable as possible for use by other observatories.
- 2.
- RPS2
- (a)
- The Phase 2 system will contain the major capabilities
of RPS2. These include:
- i.
- display of appropriate choices
of parameter values based on proposal contents
- ii.
- syntax/semantics checks
- iii.
- feasibility (Trans)
- iv.
- schedulability (Spike)
- v.
- proposal report and summary
- vi.
- submission
- (b)
- The system will allow the import of information
obtained from RPS2 files. Preprocessing of the RPS2 file may be needed.
- (c)
- The transition to APT will not require any operational changes
to the procedures or software used to process submitted
proposals in-house.
- 3.
- User Interface
- (a)
- The system will minimize the user's need to enter
- (b)
- The system will be reasonably straightforward
to use, since it is typically used infrequently.
Online help features, including a manual, will be provided.
But, users should not need to frequently consult the manual
to resolve difficulties.
Advanced features will be provided for
expert users, but not by default.
- 4.
- Saving and Re-Using Data
- (a)
- Users will be able to save their current session
and be able to restart it with access to all
previously entered data.
- 5.
- Proposal Development Process
- (a)
- Users will have considerable flexibility
in the process order for developing proposals.
For example, targets could be defined either before
or after exposures.
- (b)
- Users will be able to view and update their proposal data
in multiple ways. They will be able
to choose a convenient manner for themselves. In particular, all
interactive tools can be bypassed through direct entry of information.
- (c)
- The system will provide a means for users to develop
a proposal when away from an internet connection (e.g., while
at home or on travel). It may
be necessary to prefetch certain data and documentation over the internet.
- 6.
- Performance
- (a)
- Proposal processing will require
less time than for RPS2.
- (b)
- Batch processing steps will be made
interactive wherever possible.
- (c)
- The system will operate efficiently
on commonly available computers at modest cost.
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Anthony P. Krueger