A set of minimal requirements for a first release was handed out. It is available on the web:
Please look over them and send comments to apt-vp@stsci.edu or bring them to next week's meeting.
(The raw feedback is at http://ra.stsci.edu/apst/apt/apt-visit-planner/requirements/detailed/00/rawfeedback.txt )
However, what is more likely, is that the Visit Planner should expect to handle invalid data. For this, we decided that the Visit Planner should not proceed and it should indicate to the user that there is a problem with the proposal data.
But, the Visit Planner should only reject invalid data which is pertinent to the Visit Planner's function.
This behavior can be table driven so as to be observatory dependent.
Constraints for executed visits can be manually set using betweens.
These all have references to having text displayed in color which we all agree should have alternate indicators to alert the user to the schedulability of the corresponding visit or scheduling constraint.
These requirements should be re-worded to leave the mechanism for alerting the user somewhat vague. We'll let the developer choose something for the first round, then get feedback for refining to a better mechanism.
This will be reworded to not make explicit reference to left clicking and leave it up to the developer with feedback from users.
We have concern about how much users will be aware of the distinction between deleting constraints from the proposal and not including constraints for the purpose of computing schedulability.
This requirement will be re-written to have the warning somehow upfront and not "hidden" under the "More Info..." dialog.