Can someone pass on how the Visibility Interval maps to
observing contraints and HST Req's? Is it Target Visibility
and Earth Limb Angles?
Karla's analysis helped very much to separate the kinds of things that a user has control over and those which are dictated by an observatory.
One possibility is to allow the user to interact with the graphical bar display of schedulability
But, when links between visits are complicated, it can be extremely difficult to sort out how to make a visit schedulable.
Guide stars are also complex and require deeper than typical user knowledge to solve. (The PC's have been struggling with this with NGSS/RPS2 and are currently putting together a detailed user's manual to help educate users with guide star problems.)
Tricia was going to found out if we could get statistics on the biggest trouble makers. (Denise Taylor told me on Friday that these numbers are not yet available, but that Wayne Kinzel has project going on to pull out such numbers. If anyone wants more info, they should go talk to Wayne.)