May 21st, 2001 APT Visit Planner Meeting

Please send email to apt-vp for any comments or corrections about these minutes.

Minutes (agenda)

Attendees: Tricia Royle, Karla Peterson, Rusty Whitman, Chris Odea, Leslie Zimmerman, Jesse Doggett

We basically free-form discussed the thoughts in the agenda. (Actions are highlighted with double square [[brackets]].)

Agenda (minutes)

The first thing we should do is determine the requirements for the Visit Planner. And, by requirements, I don't mean how the tool will function, how will it look, or how will it work. We should first determine the need we are trying to fill. This will become the charter for the Visit Planner from which all downstream decisions should support.

* The term ExposureCollection is taken from the APT data model being developed by Rob Douglas and Gary Curtis. An ExposureCollection is a group of any number of ExposureSpecifications or other ExposureCollections. An ExposureSpecification is the description required to carry out a single exposure.

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