Goals for 7 June 2000 VTT/SV meeting


New VTT concepts needed

·        Viewed Apetures (cannot move or be rotated, only selected)

·        “Duplication” Apetures (no insturment/v3/fov information so mearly a circle around a region)

·        DSS vs preview images(?)

New SV concepts needed

·        Default VTT search form (user selectable or hard wired in prefs?)

·        Default VTT duplication search form (does this make sence?).

·        New list of displayed apetures from a search (not the same as retrieval list)

·        Filter out non-science exposures

·        VTT listener for a single form (only one form has VTTs ear at a time)(?)

·        Method to start StarView the same way main does



1.     Do we limit the link between VTT and SV to a single form at any given time (will this hurt the users).

2.     Can we have multiple VTTs panes associated with each form?

3.     Does each form/VTT pane get an interface


Outline of fuctionality of interface (coredump…do we need all of these? More?)


1.     Information/processes for interface

a.     Does SV exist

b.    Does VTT exist

c.     Is SV running

d.    Is VTT running

e.     Start SV if not already running

f.      Start VTT if not already running

2.     Define functions initiated by VTT to SV

a.     With SV not running

                                                              i.      Load default form

                                                            ii.      Push search coordinates

1.     ra

2.     dec

3.     radius

                                                          iii.      Filter by instrument

1.     insturment name(s)

                                                         iv.      Filter out non-science exposures

1.     boolean to get rid of FLAT/BIAS/DARK frames

b.    With SV running

                                                              i.      Show record by ID (datasetname)

                                                            ii.      Do search

                                                          iii.      Clear qualifiers

                                                         iv.      Add apeture to retrieval list

1.     datasetname

                                                           v.      Bring VTT associated form to front

                                                         vi.      Display preview

1.     DSN

3.     Define functions initated by SV to VTT

a.     Select apeture

                                                              i.      DSN

b.    Deselect apeture

c.     Display fits file from URL

d.    Display list of apetures over current images

                                                              i.      Dataset name

                                                            ii.      RA

                                                          iii.      Dec

                                                         iv.      V3 angle (may be null)

                                                           v.      Insturment (may be null)

                                                         vi.      FOV (may be null)

e.     Display list of apetures over whatever DSS image you want to load

                                                              i.      Dataset name

                                                            ii.      RA

                                                          iii.      Dec

                                                         iv.      V3 angle (may be null)

                                                           v.      Insturment (may be null)

                                                         vi.      FOV (may be null)

f.      Remove apeture(s)

                                                              i.      DSN

g.     Remove all SV apetures

h.     Remove apetures and clear image frame(s)

4.     Information from SV to VTT

a.     Is current form fully VTT ready

                                                              i.      Has ra, dec, v3, insturment, datasetname, and FOV

b.    Is current form good enough for VTT

                                                              i.      Has ra, dec, and datasetname

c.     Does current form have coords

d.    Does current form have insturment

e.     Does current form have datasetname

f.      Does current form have v3 angle

g.     Does current form have FOV

h.     Does current form have search results

5.     Information form VTT to SV

a.     What is the DSN of the currently selected apeture

b.    Is DSS image displayed

c.     What is central coordinate of displayed image(s)

d.    Is preview image displayed