Orbit Planner Testing Notes

Some Test Cases (with a few notes on how to test):

A)  Trans correctness when run from APT.  (TEST & PSDB)

  1. Verify that Trans generates appropriate output when fed test proposals by APT.
  2. Verify that Trans generates appropriate output when fed proposal updates by APT.

B)  Trans correctness in the new operational flow.  (TEST & PSDB)

  1. Verify that Trans generates appropriate operational output when run from tdf files which contain the new exposure properties (orbit number and duration).

C)  Overall usability in the new operational flow.  (APSB, OPB & FSE)

  1. Verify that operational flow is seamless.
  2. Typical tasks not too onerous.

D)  Orbit Planner GUI correctness.  (APSB, OPB, DAB & ID)

  1. The display is correct with respect to expected Trans results.
  2. All expected GUI actions are present and respond as expected.

E)  Orbit Planner GUI usability.  (APSB, OPB, DAB & ID)

  1. The GUI is reasonably intuitive and not too confusing.
  2. Typical editing tasks are straightforward.


Some Possible Tests

In the following list of tests, comparison tests are represented as equalities.  In '==' equalities, the quantities on the left and right are expected to be (nearly) exactly the same.  In '~=', the quantities on the left and right should be very similar, but some predictable differences are expected.

In the equality notation, the following terms are used:


  1. aptTrans.reports(prop) == aptTrans.reports(prop2xml(prop))
  2. aptTrans.reports(xml) == aptTrans.reports(xml2prop(xml))  
  3. aptTrans.reports(prop) ~= currentTrans.reports(prop), for prop's without OP-EXPOSURE-VALUES 
  4. aptTrans.reports(update) ~= aptTrans.reports(savedXml(update)) 
  5. aptTrans1.reports(update) == aptTrans2.reports(update)
  6. aptTrans.dg(xml) ~= aptTrans.op(xml)
  7. Users building and modifying proposals using APT
  8. Users building, modifying and processing proposals in APT and Operations


Test Applicability Matrix

Tests vs. Test Cases  1 2 3 4 5 6 7


A1 * *            
A2       * *      
B1   * *          
C1               *
C2               *
D1             *  
D2           * *  
E1             *  
E2             *  


To Do Before Testing

  1. Enable testers (through instruction or s/w) to record proposal update scripts.
  2. Enable testers (through instruction or s/w) to play back proposal update scripts (including in batch mode).
  3. Finish prop to xml proposal converter.
  4. Investigate and implement any necessary restrictions for subexposure duration overrides.
  5. Create test data and plans for analyzing output.
  6. Add APT/OP support for exposure groups (patterns, seq non-int, etc.).
  7. Review and complete APT/OP support for all (or at least most) optional parameters and special requirements.
  8. Design and implement operational proposal storage/retrieval/conversion mechanism.