Date: 19-Jan-2000
Attendees: C. Burkhardt, R. Douglas, K. Peterson, D. Shaw, H. Shukla
The APT Data Model (DM) Group will meet weekly. Meeting summaries will be posted on the APT Web site. The DM group will construct a Web page of links to important documents and other information; this page will be linked from the main APT project page, and will be maintained outside of the firewall. The DM group will also set up an e-mailing list for group members, which initially should include the above-named attendees, plus Tony Krueger.
All | Send to Dick times when you can support a regular, weekly meeting. [DONE] |
Dick | Schedule a meeting time and arrange for the venue. [DONE] |
Chris | Set up a Web page outside the firewall that all in the DM group can modify. This will require using the new Unix group for the APT developers. [DONE] |
Chris | Set up an "apt_dm" e-mailing list. [DONE] |
Dick | Write up and distribute a summary of this meeting. [DONE] |
The DM group will need to work closely in the future with the Infrastructure/Architecture group as the data modelling progresses; this is particularly important as we identify databases and other external resources that require I/O. It is not clear whether interactions at the weekly APT project meetings will suffice, but additional group-to-group meeting can be scheduled if necessary. Rob is part of the IA group, so he will provide an information conduit.
Our understanding is that the "Stakeholder Support" group membership has yet to be finalized, and the first meeting of that group is not likely to take place before the end of this month. The DM group will be in need of some input from the SS group by mid-February, and there is some concern that our need for firm requirements could grow at a rate much faster than the SS group will be able to generate them. To mitigate this risk, we propose the following:
The first, most serious concern is whether and to what extent the requirements will call for the APT to interact with RPS2 prior to the replacement within APT of the RPS2 functionality.
All | Continue thinking about key vulnerabilities of the DM efforts to volatile requirements. |
The high-level development plan consists of the following stages:
Collect the data models used on other, relevant projects (such as RPS2, SEA, and SpecView) for study by the DM group. These models should be represented graphically, where possible, and linked to the DM Web page.
We can proceed immediately with preliminary work on the data models since we are fairly familiar with the problem domain. The models used in heritage systems will provide the inspiration for the initial activity, which is the preliminary specification of needed classes, and class heirarchies. This specification will be captured primarily in UML diagrams, with other diagrams and text as necessary.
One activity with great potential for re-use beyond APT is an information resource that captures the valid instrument configurations, and the relationships between the various optical elements and detectors. There are a number of systems (including STSDAS/synphot, RPS2, the CGI-based ETCs, the SEA/ETCs, OPUS, to name a few) that have a need for this kind of information. Unfortunately, all of these systems implement independent mechanisms for storing this information (often in obscure formats), and for representing it internally. This creates needless maintenance problems, and could be cured with a sufficiently thoughtful solution.
Detailed analysis of the requirements (and iteration as necessary with the SS group) to finalize the requirements. Detailed analysis of the Architecture to understand the context of the system. This marks the begining of the detailed design phase for the early tools, which will produce various products that collectively will document the design. This will be followed by a formal design review, and any needed follow-up work to address issues from the review.
We will re-visit the modelling/design efforts as various new tools are defined by the requirements group.
Dick | Construct a preliminary timeline for the DM efforts, and report that to Tony. |
Chris | Write a summary of available UML tools and IDEs for Java, and place on the APT Web site. Offer a recommendation for each, and specify the selection criteria. [Due by Tuesday, 1/25.] |
Construct a graphical representation of the data models used in: | |
Rob | RPS2 |
Dick | SpecView. Also put the SpecView design doc on the Web. |
Chris | SEA, particularly the VTT. |
Hemant | SEA/ETCs (with help from Chris & Dick as needed). |
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