Meeting Minutes for Wednesday, January 19, 2000

Go To January 31, 2000 Minutes

Meeting Attendees:

Frank Tanner

Rob Douglas

Scott Binegar

Sandy Grovesnor

Niall Gaffney

Karla Peterson

Molly Brandt

Action Items from Previous Meetings:




New Action Items:


Distribute WBS information for this project


Create APT-AI discussion list



    All – The Wednesday 9am meeting time may conflict with technical forums.  The meeting will still take place on January 26th at 9am but will change for the following week.



Dist. Computing / Security issues

    Rob - CORBA & DOC

    Scott - RMI

What to talk to/external interfaces


Plug-in support (how do we do it now?)




How to do data sharing




XML will be used for all datafiles.



This was an initial meeting to discuss the APT Architecture and Infrastructure Team’s goal.  General administrative information was covered initially.   This information is covered in the Goals and Objectives document available on the web.  Additional information will be added as deemed necessary.



The majority of the meeting was used to brainstorm about various items that the APT Architecture must support.  After deriving the list of items, they were categorized as to their importantance.  Research was assigned to various members of the team to evaluate the items (as shown in the Research section of this page).


The following list comprises the items mentioned during the brainstorming session:



(- missing|needs eval / * someone has / ! everyone has, but need / Additional Information)


-Distributed computing (legacy systems)

*Integrated help

-Collaborative support

!Components/plug-in tool support

        Discrete packages


        (SEA bean-type / SV2 proprietary / RPS2 proprietary)

-Process knowledge (yes/no/how much)

*WWW support

        (SEA available / SV2 HTML class)

-Common base for tools/toolsets

!Look & feel - common @ STScI

        (SEA & SV2 use Swinq, but Layout different)

-Common communication base tools/toolsets

*Support multiple platforms

        (keep an eye on this, but ok)

!Network & non-network modes


-Some place to store the data

-Performance considerations (metrics)

-Applet support

        (need to determine applicability)

-Error handling

-Testing considerations

-ASCII support (level?) - human readable

!Database support

!Multiple input sources

!Easily extensible

        (DOC, SV2, SEA)

-Phase I support?

!RPS2 support?


-Operations support?

-What do we need to talk to?

!Multi-mission support


!Dynamic observatory support

!Expert system support

!Installation & upgrades /deployment

        (SEA & SV2 - Install anywhere)

-Security model




Based off of the information gathered from the brainstorming session, the following items were detemrined to be of the highest importance early in the definition of an APT Architecture:


Dist. Computing / Security issues

What to talk to/external interfaces

Plug-in support (how do we do it now?)

How to do data sharing