APT Design Features
Brainstorming ideas (from SEA, RPS2, and Starview II)
What does APT have to do?
Features at least one group has
- Integrated help
- WWW support (SEA available / SV2 HTML class)
- Support multiple platforms (keep an eye on this, but ok)
Features all groups have, and APT needs
- Components/plug-in tool support
(SEA bean-type / SV2 proprietary / RPS2 proprietary)
- Look & feel - common @ STScI (SEA & SV2 use
Swinq, but Layout different)
- Network & non-network modes (SEA)
- Database support
- Multiple input sources
- Easily extensible (DOC, SV2, SEA)
- RPS2 support? (SEA)
- Multi-mission support
- Dynamic observatory support
- Expert system support
- Installation & upgrades /deployment (SEA & SV2 -
Install anywhere)
Features that are missing
- Distributed computing (legacy systems)
- Collaborative support
- Process knowledge (yes/no/how much)
- Common base for tools/toolsets
- Common communication base tools/toolsets
- Some place to store the data
- Performance considerations (metrics)
- Applet support (need to determine applicability)
- Error handling
- Testing considerations
- ASCII support (level?) - human readable
- Phase I support?
- Operations support?
- What do we need to talk to?
- Security model
(Last updated 05/11/2000 by Rob Douglas)
(Last updated 05/12/2000 by Rob Douglas)