This document records the assumptions made about the requirements in providing the design. Certain aspects of the design may not be usable if these assumptions do not hold true.
The following tools will need to be included in order to replace RPS2:
The following tools are also desired:
Help will be available as follows:
Syntax checking should be performed instantaneously during data entry. For example if an integer is required but a real is supplied it will be flagged right away. Currently, in RPS2, this is handled in batch by the PP, but with this model, syntax checking will be spread across many tools.
APT will not be required to parse any ASCII input file unless that file was written by an APT or RPS2 tool. There will be no support for hand-editing of RPS2 files, for example. This mimics the use of graphical tools today, where the saved data files are only editable from within the tool.
There will not be one integrated display of the information currently displayed by the DG. The function of the DG will be spread across the various tools, which will each provide their own graphical input and output.
Unlike RPS2 and the DOC, general support for running tools remotely will NOT be supported. Use of CORBA should be minimized. Most tools should run natively in the APT environment. In te prior systems, remote processing was assumed for all tools, with local processing being performed as a simplified form of remote processing. However, this incurs a significant overhead which can be avoided if remote processing is limited only to applications as necessary.
A multi-user shared data pool is NOT required. In other words, the APT will not facilitate having multiple users develop the same proposal simultaneously from different APT sessions and share changes.
A specific set of platforms will be listed as supported platforms. While APT may work on other platforms, only the listed platforms will have APT certified to run on them. Initially the supported platforms will be:
In the near term the following additional platforms will be added:
Validity checking of data will be performed in the Data Model, as objects are created.
(Updated 02/14/2000 by Rob Douglas)
(Updated 02/16/2000 by Karla
(Updated 05/11/2000 by Rob