APT 12.1 has been delivery and is available from the APT web page at http://apt.stsci.edu. It will be available on the Science Net and Sogs Solaris Clusters tomorrow after tonight's rsync. The OPRs implemented with this release are listed below. Please send email to apt-developer if you have any questions about this release. Jesse APT OPRs ------------ * 44810 Add institution proposal ID to the phase 1 APT model. * 46204 The email address is not being checked for .. or @@ in it. * 46237 Implement Context-Sensitive Help in APT * 46538 package cp and primer for delivery with phase 1 tool * 46619 Update the correct format for email address checking. * 46730 Submit PDF attachment separately from merged PDF proposal. * 46760 Add GTO to Category in Phase I * 46775 Backward compatibility problem with Phase 1/I. * 46781 Large number of COI's being pushed to next page in PDF view. * 46782 Show PI ESA status on PDF page. * 46882 Large phase 2 visits cause severe performace problems. * 46963 Create a Test Submission capability. VTT OPRs ------------ 42330 Define and label the targets 45685 APT-VTT FOV Fails Intermittently 46668 Composite apertures need correct aperture angle offset 46786 Pointer to green/red orient circle is wrong for non composite 47003 Can't load NED images