02          Visit Planner Tool (Draft 02)

(Requirements preceded with “[i]” will be included in the initial release of the Visit Planner.)

02.1        [i] The Visit Planner (VP) assists the user in making the visits in their proposal schedulable.  The VP has the following capabilitie

The following special terms are used in this document:

·         Observer Requirements:
The requirements which observers place on observations to meet science goals.

·         Scheduling Constraint:
Any Observation Constraint or combination of Observation Constraints that affects when a visit can or cannot schedule.

·         Scheduling Windows:
The periods of time that a visit can or cannot schedule due to scheduling constraints.

·         Partial Scheduling Windows:
A set of scheduling windows that takes into account a subset of scheduling constraints

·         Schedulable/Unschedulable Window:
A period of time over which a visit can or cannot schedule.

02.1.1 [i] The VP shall be able to Ddetermines the times when visits can or cannot schedule.

02.1.2 [i] The VP shall be able to iIndicates the reasons that visits are unschedulable at particular times.dentify the observer requirements that cause visits to be unschedulable.

02.1.3 [i] The VP shall Pprovides access to editors to modifychange visits and relationships links between visits to change modify schedulability.

02.1.4 The VP shall Pprovides general advice on techniques to obtain desired        schedulability.

02.1.5 The VP shall provide analyses of how particular visits might be modified to improve the schedulability over particular periods of time.

02.2   [i] The VP shall consist of two areas: 1) A Control Panel which controls how the VP computes scheduling windows and 2) a Schedulability Display Panel that displays calendars of the scheduling windows for visits and scheduling constraints.

02.2.1 [i] The VP shall compute scheduling windows for all visits in the current VP Inferred Context (cVPIC).      [i] The cVPIC shall include all visits in the current APT context plus all other visits that are linked to those visits in the current APT context.      [i] If any visit’s observer requirement for any scheduling constraint is known to be incomplete or invalid, then the VP shall report an error to the user and will not compute or display scheduling windows for the visit and any other visits linked to it.      [i] Each time the user switches to the VP from another tool in the APT, the VP shall immediately update the scheduling windows for visits in the cVPIC.

Provides analyses of how particular visits might be modified to  improve the schedulability for particular dates.


The VP will consist of two areas: 1) A Control Panel which controls how the VP computes scheduling windows and 2) a Schedulability Display Panel that displays calenders of the scheduling windows for visits and scheduling constraints.

02.2.2      The The Control Panel (CP) shall include controls that govern the computation and display of scheduling windows. (See Fig. 1)      The CP shall include a Visit Selector (VS) to select the visits for which visits  computed scheduling windows will be shown in the Schedulability Display Panel.

02.1.1           from the current APT context to include in subsequent computations of scheduling windows.           The list of visits presented in the VS shall beinclude theall visits in cVPIC.the current APT context and other visits to which they have links.           Only those visits explicitly selected in the VS shall be included in subsequent computations of scheduling windows.  (A visit not selected will not be included, even if it is linked to a selected visit.)           The VS shall have a "Select All" option meaning to display the computed scheduling windows for all visits in the ccurrent APT contextVPIC.           The VS shall have a "Clear All " option to meaning to clear the selection of all visits from the VS..           The VS shall have a mechanism to select visits by link set.      The Control Panel shall have a Scheduling Constraints Selector (SCS) to select which of the scheduling constraints to include in subsequent computations of scheduling windows for all visits in the cVPIC..           The SCS shall have a "Select All" option meaning to compute scheduling windows for all scheduling constraints. whose observer requirements have been specified in the selected visits.           The SCS shall have a "Clear All" option meaning to clear the selection of all scheduling constraints.           The SCS shall make it clear to the user that turning off a scheduling constraint does not remove the corresponding observer requirements from the proposal.      The CP shall have an “Update” button to update the scheduling windows for all visits in the cVPIC.      The CP shall provide a tool for graphically editing links between visits in the cVPIC.      [i] The CP shall support limiting the starting and ending dates for computing scheduling windows.           The CP shall support displaying an observatory specific dialog for specifying starting and ending dates.           [i] The CP shall support automatic specification of the starting and ending dates inferred from properties of the visits in the cVPIC.

02.2.3 [i] The VP shall include a Schedulability Display Panel (SDP) to display computed scheduling windows in Scheduling Windows Calendars (SWC) for Visits and Individual Scheduling Constraints. (See Fig. 2)

(In the requirements for the VP, the selected visits or constraints shall mean those visits or constraints selected in the VS and SCS.)

(was 00.1.4 #1) If the observer requirement of a scheduling constraint is not specified in a visit, then the scheduling constraint will be treated as if it has no schedulable windows.

02.1.1      (was 00.1.3) The CP shall have a Compute Button to compute and/or update the scheduling windows for the selected visits with the selected scheduling constraints.

02.1.1      (was 00.1.4 #2) The CP shall have a button to invoke a tool for graphically editing links between visits.

01      (was 00.1.5) The CP shall have a display/controller to set the starting and ending dates for computing scheduling windows.The VP shall include a Schedulability Display Panel (SDP) to display computed scheduling windows in Scheduling Windows Calenders (SWC).      [i] Visit SWCs shall have an icon on the left side to expand or collapse the display of the visit’s scheduling constraints’ SWCs.      [i] SWCs shall include a text area that identifies the scheduling windows and whether or not there is at least one schedulableing window.            For visit SWCs, the indentifier will be the identifier of the visit.           [i] For visit SWCs, if there is at least one schedulable window and all scheduling constraints have been included, then the text area will say "Visit <visit identifier> is schedulable." and will include visual cues which indicate the visit is schedulable.in green text.           [i] For visit SWCs, if there are no schedulable windows, then the text area will say "Visit <visit identifier> is not schedulable." and will include visual cues which indicate the visit is not schedulable. in red text.           For visit SWCs, if there is at least one schedulable window, but not all scheduling constraints have been included, then the text area will say "Visit <visit identifier> may be schedulableis schedulable with the selected subset of scheduling constraints." and will include visual cues which indicate that the scheduling windows are only partial. in yellow text.           [i] For scheduling constraint SWCs, if there is at least one schedulable window, then the text area will say "<scheduling constraint name> has at least one schedulable window." and in green text.  will include visual cues which indicate that the scheduling constraint has at least on schedulable window.           [i] For scheduling constraint SWCs, if there are no schedulable windows, then the text area will say "<scheduling constraint name> has no schedulable windows." and  in red text.will include visual cues which indicate that the scheduling constraint has no schedulable windows.      [i] SWCs shall include a linear calendaer indicating the periods of timedays that have schedulable windows.           Visit SWCs shall have an icon on the left side to expand or collapse the display of the SWCs for the associated scheduling constraints.           Linear calendars for VFor visit SWCs shall have a mechanism to , left clicking at a point on the SWC shall display an analysis of the visit’s schedulability over any period of time.at that point in time.                The analysis shall display whether or not the visit is schedulable at the time of interest.                The analysis shall display the list of constraints that are "schedulable" at the time of interest.                The analysis shall display the list of constraints that are not "schedulable" at the time of interest.                If the visit is unschedulable at the time of interest, the analysis shall display suggested changes to observer requirements, if any, that would allow the visit to be schedulable during a particular period of time.           If the visit is unschedulable at the time of interest , the analysis shall display suggested changes to observer requirements to that would allow the visit to become schedulable.           Linear calendars for sFor scheduling constraint SWCs shall have a mechanism to, left clicking at a point on the SWC shall display values of the associated observer requirements, if any, that would allow the scheduling constraint to be "schedulable" during a particular period of time..      Visit SWCs shall clearly indicate if the computation of the scheduling windows is partial because not all scheduling constraints were selected in the SCS.

SWCs shall include a "More Info..." button which brings up a pop-up dialog with additional information.

If there are no schedulable windows because they have not been computed, then the "More Info..." dialog will state one of the following reasons as appropriate:

Scheduling windows have not been computed. Please press the "Compute" button to compute them.

·      Scheduling windows have not been computed because the following proposal parameters have not been specified: <proposal parameters>.

·      Scheduling windows have not been computed because the previous attempt to compute them failed. (<explanation for failure>) 

Scheduling windows have not been computed because the proposal  parameters are not valid. (<explanation for invalid proposal parameters>)      For a visit, if the scheduling windows do not include all scheduling constraints, then the "More Info..." dialog will state one of the following reasons as appropriate:

·      Not all constraints have been selected to compute the scheduling windows for this visit.

·      Not all constraints have been included to compute the scheduling windows for this visit because the following proposal parameters have not been specified: (<proposal parameters>).      If a visit has schedulable windows, but the scheduling windows do not include all scheduling constraints, then the "More Info..." dialog will state:

·      WARNING: This visit may not be schedulable if all constraints are included.      If a visit is linked to one or more other visits, then the "More Info..." dialog will state:

·      This visit is linked to <visits>.      If a visit has not been selected, but has been included in the computation of scheduling windows because it has a link to one or more visits that have been selected, then the "More Info..." dialog will state:

·      This visit has been included because it is linked to selected other visits.      SWCs shall be selectable.           Selecting a SWC shall cause the corresponding visit row in the APT spreadsheet to become selected.           Selecting a visit row in the APT spreadsheet shall cause the corresponding visit SWCS to become selected.      The SDP shall have a tool bar located above the SWCs to provide additional functions.           [i] There shall be an Update tool in the SDP tool bar to update the scheduling windows for all visits in the cVPIC. (This Update tool will be moved to the control panel after the initial release.)           [i] There shall be a Report tool in the SDP tool bar that provides access to various reports.                [i] The Report tool shall include a report of the scheduling windows for each visit in textual format similar to the Spike Suitable Times Report for the visit of the currently selected SWC.                The Report tool shall include a report that shows the links sets in the cVPIC.      There shall be a mechanism to save a copy of the SWCs to a file format suitable for printing.There shall be a pan-zoom panel below the SWCs which allows the view of the SWCs to be zoomed and shifted within the nominal start and ending dates of the computed scheduling windows.      The VP shall provide feedback to the APT spreadsheet.      Selecting a visit SWC shall cause the corresponding visit row in the APT spreadsheet to become selected.      The visit row for any visit selected in the VP for which scheduling windows have not been computed shall be given an error highlighting.      The visit row for any visit selected in the VP which has no schedulable windows shall be given an error highlighting.      The visit row for any visit selected in the VP whose scheduling windows are out-of-date shall be given a warning highlighting.      Selecting a scheduling constraint SWC shall cause the corresponding observer requirement cells in the APT spreadsheet to be highlighted.      The cell for any observer requirement corresponding to a scheduling constraint selected in the VP for which scheduling windows have not been computed shall be given an error highlighting.      The cell for any observer requirement corresponding to a scheduling constraint selected in the VP which has no schedulable windows shall be given an error highlighting.      The cell for any observer requirement corresponding to a scheduling constraint selected in the VP whose scheduling windows are out-of-date shall be given a warning highlighting.

02.3   [i] The VP shall support specific requirements for HST visits.

02.3.1 [i] The VP shall support scheduling constraints specific to HST.      [i] Scheduling windows for HST scheduling constraints shall be computed using the current version of Spike.      [I] The VP shall support physical constraints.           [i] The VP shall support the Sun constraint.           [i] The VP shall support the Moon constraint.           [i] The VP shall support the target visibility constraint.                [i] Orbit Filling shall be obtained from the visit data as computed by the Orbit Planner Tool.                [i] If Orbit Filling is not available, the Sched Parameter shall be used in its place.           The VP shall support moving target constraints.           The VP shall support the Guide Star constraints.      [i] The VP shall support absolute user constraints.           [i] The VP shall support the Between constraint.           [i] The VP shall support the After constraint.           [i] The VP shall support the Before constraint.           [i] The VP shall support the Phase constraint.           [i] The VP shall support the Low Sky constraint.           [i] The VP shall support the Orient constraint.      [i] The VP shall support relative user constraints.           [i] The VP shall support timing link constraints.           [i] The VP shall support Save/Use Offset constraints.           [i] The VP shall support the Orient From constraint.           [i] The VP shall support the Same Orient constraint.           The VP shall support the Ephemeris Correction constraint visits.

02.3.2 [i] The starting and ending dates for computing scheduling windows for HST visits shall be inferred from the cycle of their parent proposal.

02.3.3 [i] The SDP Report tool shall include a Roll Range Report similar to what is currently available in RPS2 for the visit of the currently selected SWC.