Starview2-VTT Integration Team Meeting Minutes

September 06, 2000



Niall Gaffney

Fred Romelfanger

Frank Tanner



General Status:

The VTT interface side is able to perform the following:

·        Get an image

·        Draw an image

·        Get an aperture

·        Draw an aperture


In other words, the basic building blocks are in place.


Most of the infrastructure modifications have been performed to Starview to support the integration.  Niall will have them in place soon but will disable them in any production code.



Fred is looking at how to implement the user interface between VTT and Starview.  In other words, how do we bring up Starview from the VTT. 


Fred is looking at how to implement read-only apertures.  There seems to be a great deal of imbedded code that will make this a difficult task.  However, Fred has a general idea of all of the classes that this will touch. 


Frank brought up the discussion of creating a small demo or “proof of concept” type prototype for displaying.  Creating something of this nature in the short-term may bolster interest in the project and demonstrate the usefulness of this capability to users.  This is not a solid requirement of the team yet.  Niall agreed that some very minimal demo would be nice to show off soon.  The team would like to have a very scripted demo available for ADASS in November and AAS in December (both of which Niall will be attending).  Niall referenced this project in an Abstract he submitted to ADASS. 


The first capability to be implemented will be to have either tool be able to start the other and to have image/aperture information communicated from one tool to the other. Most of the code to support this is in place in both tools – the tools just need to start communicating the information. 


Niall and Fred will coordinate user interface development to maintain a common look and feel.


Outstanding Issues:

We still have not resolved how to deal with Aperture/Instrument naming conventions.  This still needs to be discussed.


We still have not resolved where the “center” of an aperture should be placed on the image.


Staffing Conflicts

Over the next couple of weeks, both Gator and Starview will be releasing operational versions to the public.  This will put a constraint on both Niall’s and Fred’s development time dedicated to this project.




Niall will pick a “simple” aperture to use as the first test subject.


Fred will put together a design document of all impacts of the read-only aperture enhancement.  There may be an extensive list of classes that need to be modified to fulfill this effort.