Orbit Planner PRs of Interest

Other than the PR's on the APT-OP active list, these PR's are of particular interest to the Orbit Planner project:

45935 Add exposure label field to APT Phase 2 data model
45249 Export APT proposal to RPS2 file.
45151 New interface for adding SRs and OPs
46175 Complete Phase 2 data model.
45140 Exp Time needs to allow for DEF and units other than seconds.
41965 Decide how to support generic targets
41966 Decide how to support moving targets
45021 Add computed RA and Dec for Fixed Targets
45130 Move Position information from a sub-object to the target object in
45248 Figure out how to support PC only SRs.
45241 Are we going to allow other formats for position?
45236 Make a number of iterations group
46184 Output RPS2 proposals to APT XML Format.
46924 PP should allow new optional parameter "EXPOSURE-VALUES"
46736 Special handling of "unique" objects in APT.
46179 Implement Preferences in APT
45244 Create generic container functions.
46178 Support Diagnostics, messages, and logging
46962 Visit Number must be a 2-digit, base-36 number.
43441 Postscript files are too large for printing.
46333 Disable/overload JavaHelp Print Button.