Notes from Bright Object Engine Design Review 8/29/00 Please let me know if I've satisfactorily articulated the concern on CR-SPLITs by Friday so I can get together with Ron next week to talk about it. Global Count Rates The first big issue that came up was a discussion on checking global count rates. After careful re-reading of Ron's requirements document, I see that he includes them and I was mistaken about what is there. The checks on global count rates will be included and counted over the circular area that best fits the macro aperture. Thus, may get false reports of health and safety violations. Multiple Catalog Support The idea of allowing the bright object checker to use more than one catalog came up. The Analyzer could then have smarts to choose entries for a particular object from one catalog over other catalogs. The could be considered for future implementations. Reanalyzing The design original tried to incorporate the ability to re-analyze an area on the sky in a cheaper way than redoing the whole analysis if just the exposure time changed. The original concern was the time to do count rate calculations which are time consuming with the ETCs. However, for HST, we will be using lookup tables instead which will run very quickly. The bottleneck is then the GSC2 query. A compromise to the design would be to circumvent the GSC2 query instead of the computation of count rates. The Checker will then have check methods which will take an array of Targets or a previous FieldAnalysis as alternative to a circular area on the sky. CR-SPLIT There was concern about using CR-SPLIT=2 for the STIS lookup table and wondering if we should be using CR-SPLIT=1 instead because CR-SPLIT=2 can be derived from two CR-SPLIT=1's, but it doesn't make sense to try and do it the other way around. Notes About Class Details Check Need to have new methods for checking a set of targets or rechecking a previous FieldAnalysis with a different ExposureDescription: check(ExposureDescription, Target[]) recheck(FieldAnalysis, ExposureDescription) Analyzer analyze method has an incorrect argument. The first argument should be [], ie, an array instead of a scalar Also, the analyze method should return a FieldAnalysis object. Remove the reanalyze method. The functionality will be replaced with the new methods on the Checker.check class. HstExposure Remove the AtoDGain set/get methods because AtoDGain is the same concept as Gain. FieldAnalysis Remove the recheckSeverityLevels method. The functionality will be handled through the new check/recheck methods in the Checker. Remove the isSignalProportionalToExposureTime method because we are removing the short cuts to reanalyzing. Should public add methods: int [] getGlobalSeverityLevelChecks() double getGlobalTotalSignal() double getGlobalTotalSingalRate() and corresponding protected set methods for the Analyzer to use. Miscellaneous Add public set methods to ExposureDescription, HstExposure to be able to change the various configuration parameters. Add protected set methods to ObjectAnalysis and FieldAnalysis objects to allow Analyzer to set the results. We should also add a method to the FieldAnalysis to add an ObjectAnalysis.