Materials for July 18, 2000 Meeting

Design Notes for Bright Object Checking in the VTT Era

   Bright Object Checking

      The process of bright object checking determines which astronomical
      objects in a particular celestial area pose risk to the observatory or
      the desired science if observed in a particular mode, ie, with a
      particular aperture, a set of spectral elements and a given exposure

      There are three modes in which we envision bright object checking
      being done in support of HST observing:

         1) In the VTT
            As targets are being tuned, a PI should be aware of which
	    astronomical objects are potential risks. 

         2) A PI Analyzing Their Proposal
            A PI should check if any exposures in their proposal pose a risk.
	    The source of the exposure information for a PI is in a local

         3) A CS Analyzing PI Proposals
            CS's must check if any exposure in a submitted proposal poses a
	    risk.  The source of the exposure information for CS's is in
   	    databases here at STScI.

      The Bright Object Checker Engine
         The bright object checker will be implemented as a java object that
         has a well defined interface.  This interface supports the input of
         a celestial area, aperture and spectral elements and returns a list
         of astronomical objects and the exposure times at which they will
         exceed bright object alert levels.
         The bright object checker will be the core engine that supports all
         three modes of bright object checking.  The current implementation
         of this core engine will be a look up table provided by the
         Instrument Scientists.

      Bright Object Checking in the VTT
         Ideally, the VTT should be able indicate which of all the displayed
         objects pose risk to the observatory or to the intended science of
         an observation.  However, the number of astronomical objects which
         potentially pose a risk is large, so that it is only practical to
         analyze those close to a given observation pointing.
         The VTT will be able to analyze an area around an aperture and
         indicate which objects pose risk.  The results of the analysis will
         be cached so that areas do not have to be re-analyzed and so that
         the analysis is preserved when switching between apertures.
         Because it is an expensive process, bright object checking may be
         turned on or off.  When it is turned on, any repositioning of the
         aperture will cause any "new" areas to be processed through the
         bright object checker engine.
         The results of the analysis are displayed by generating new
         catalogs in the VTT Catalog Overlay facility.  These catalogs
         contain those objects which pose risk.  Separate catalogs are
         generated for each severity level.
         The user may set the parameters which control the bright object
         checking :
   	  * Size of the celestial area to analyze in terms of percent larger
   	    than the aperture.
   	  * Set of spectral elements to include.
   	  * Exposure time.

      Bright Object Checking by PIs on Their Proposals
         A standalone PI tool will used that is similar to the Batch Image
         Retriever which uses an input file containing a list of celestial
         areas.  The bright object checking tool will use a similar input
         file that additionally has aperture, spectral element and exposure
         time information.
         The standalone PI tool will generate a summary report file that,
         for each exposure, records the observation parameters and number of
         bright object alerts.  For each exposure, an alert file is
         generated that contains the bright object analysis for each star in
         the field of the exposure.  The VTT will be able to read alert
         files and create associated apertures loaded with the bright object

      Bright Object Checking by CSs on PI Proposals
         A tool similar to the current bright object tool will be used to
         support the CS's.  The functionality of the current tool only
         extracts data for stars in the fields of exposures in a proposal,
         but it does not perform the bright object analysis.  The input data
         describing the exposures is read from databases here at STScI.
         The standalone CS tool will process the field stars through the
         bright object checker engine and generate the same files as the PI
   VTT Objects Which Support Bright Object Checking
         The currently selected aperture in the VTT.
         A particular catalog which the VTT can overlay.
         The core engine with an interface that supports the inputs:
            * Celestial Area on the Sky
            * Aperture/Detector
            * List of Optical Elements
         and the outputs:
            * A list of astronomical objects
            * For each astronomical object
              + Parameters such as id, ra, dec, etc.
              + For each severity level, the maximum exposure time
                before the level is exceeded 
         Contains data related to the bright object analysis of a particular
            * enabled:
                 A flag indicating if bright object checking is turned on or
            * analysisArea:
                 Celestial area over which bright object checking has been
            * spectralElement:
                 The spectral elements for which bright object checking has
		 been done. 
            * exposureTime:
                 Exposure time to which the bright object analysis has been
            * catalogs:
                 A set of catalogs containing the objects in the
		 analysisArea.  There is one catalog one for each severity
		 level.  The catalog data includes information about each
		 object including the severity level.

   Possible User Actions and Consequences in the VTT

      The possible user actions associated with bright object checking 
      in the VTT are:
         - Add an aperture
         - Set bright object checking parameters
         - Turn on bright object checking
         - Turn off bright object checking
         - Move or select an aperture

      When bright object checking is performed in response to a user action,
      the following tasks are performed:

      Add an Aperture
         Create an associated BrightObjectAnalysis object with default
         parameters and disabled.
      Set Bright Object Checking Parameters

         Bring up dialog enabling the user to:
             * Turn bright object checking on or off.
             * Change spectral element.  (When exiting the dialog, this will
	       cause bright object checking to be run on the spectral
	       elements regardless of whether or not bright object checking
	       is enabled.)
             * Set the exposure time for each spectral element.  (This will
	          cause the BrightObjectAnalysis object to regenerate the
		  severity level catalogs since the thresholds for each
		  severity level depend on the exposure time.)
             * Set the objects to display, ie, those with health and
               safety, science and/or no concerns.
             * Set the default celestial area to be analyzed.  The parameter
               is actually a percentage value applied to the aperture.
      Turn On Bright Object Checking

         Set the BrightObjectAnalysis enabled flag to on.
         If bright object checking has not yet been performed on the current 
         observing mode, then
            Set the area to be analyzed to the default celestial area, i.e, 
            the desired percentage bigger than the aperture.
            Set the area to be analyzed to be the areas in the aperture not
            already analyzed.
         If the size of the celestial area to be analyzed is not zero, then 
            Run the BrightObjectChecker.
            Regenerate the catalogs for each severity level based on the
	    exposure time and add to the VTT Overlay Catalogs.
            Turn on the desired severity level catalogs in the VTT Overlay
            Add the area just analyzed to the total analysisArea.
      Turn Off Bright Object Checking

         Set the BrightObjectAnalysis enabled flag to off.
         Remove the severity level catalogs from the catalog list.
      Move or Select an Aperture

         If BrightObjectAnalysis is enabled, then
            If the aperture is not wholly inside the analysis area
               Set the area to be analyzed to be the areas in the aperture
	       not previously analyzed.
               Run the BrightObjectChecker
               Regenerate the catalogs for each severity level and add to
	       the VTT Overlay Catalogs.
               Turn on the desired severity level catalogs in the VTT
	       Overlay Catalogs.
	       Add the area just analyzed to the total analysisArea.

VTT Snap Shot

Bright Object Parameter Dialog

Bright Object Checker and VTT Objects